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Cytoplasm to Nuclear Translocation Assay
Automatically quantify translocation of proteins from one cell compartment to another
Pairing a cell-based reporter gene assay with Hermes high-content screening platform that provides the complete solution for a successful screening campaign for translocation of proteins from one cell compartment to another.
Protein translocation between cellular compartments is a key process in cell biology. A large variety of processes involve translocation, including signaling to modify cell function (e.g. gene expression), immune stimulation in viral infections and cargo transfer to and from the nucleus.
Imaging is a valuable approach to monitor the translocation process by visualizing the protein in the different compartments, measure its intensity and calculate the ratio of intensity of a labelled protein between the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments as a quantitative measure of translocation.
This analysis performs measurement of the intensity ratio of a labeled protein between the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments as a quantitative measure of translocation.
- High-throughput acquisition without compromising image quality
- Unique statistical approach for robust measurements
- Automatically detect each cell and nucleus and measure the fluorescence intensity ratio between these two compartments
- Users can obtain quantitative results during image acquisition to save both time and labor

Automated image analysis, performed simultaneously with acquisition, identifies wells demonstrating high nuclear translocation upon treatment (red), in comparison to the low translocation measured in control wells (blue).
Translocation & Spot Detection for microbiology studies
Applications include intracellular bacterial counting or viral infection, combined with transcription factor detection and measurement.
Detect single cells and separate intracellular areas into nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Within each cell, identify granules, foci or other spots.
Key Features
- Compartmentalize cells into nucleus and cytoplasm
- Compartment-specific intensity, area, total spot count and ratios between them
- Measure intensity of additional protein-of-interest in nucleus & cytoplasm

Pairing a cell-based reporter gene assay with Hermes high-content screening platform that provides the complete solution for a successful screening campaign for translocation of proteins from one cell compartment to another.
Protein translocation between cellular compartments is a key process in cell biology. A large variety of processes involve translocation, including signaling to modify cell function (e.g. gene expression), immune stimulation in viral infections and cargo transfer to and from the nucleus.
Imaging is a valuable approach to monitor the translocation process by visualizing the protein in the different compartments, measure its intensity and calculate the ratio of intensity of a labelled protein between the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments as a quantitative measure of translocation.
- High-throughput acquisition without compromising image quality
- Unique statistical approach for robust measurements
- Automatically detect each cell and nucleus and measure the fluorescence intensity ratio between these two compartments
- Users can obtain quantitative results during image acquisition to save both time and labor
Nuclear Translocation assay using DAPI + FAR RED labeling and 10X magnification
Automated image analysis, performed simultaneously with acquisition, identifies wells demonstrating high nuclear translocation upon treatment (red), in comparison to the low translocation measured in control wells (blue).
Live Zebrafish imaging at 10x magnification
Video capture from a live Zebrafish larva
With thanks to Dr Gillian Tomlinson from the UCL Division of Infection and Immunity, UCL, UK
Live Zebrafish imaging- Blood flow
Video capture from a live Zebrafish larva imaged in bright field illumination using 40X magnification. Acquired by Dr Gillian Tomlinson using IDEA Bio-Medical’s Hermes WiScan at the UCL Division of Infection and Immunity, London, UK.
Fish organs & regions automatic segmentation
Automatically quantify area, fluorescence intensity, and count of whole fish and internal organelle properties, including eye, yolk, spine, tail, brain, internal granules and more.Statistical data calculated per fish and per organelle.
Time lapse Zebrafish- Neutrophil Migration
Time lapse of a Zebrafish embryo with S. Pneumoniae injected into the hind brain. GFP-expressing Neutrophils begin to migrate into the injection site over 4 hours.Acquired with IDEA Bio-Medical’s Hermes automated screening system by Sreyashi Koyel Basu and Dr. Gillian Tomlinson, UCL, London, UK
Live Zebrafish imaging at 10x magnification
Video capture from a live Zebrafish larva
With thanks to Dr Gillian Tomlinson from the UCL Division of Infection and Immunity, UCL, UK
Live Zebrafish imaging- Blood flow
Video capture from a live Zebrafish larva imaged in bright field illumination using 40X magnification. Acquired by Dr Gillian Tomlinson using IDEA Bio-Medical’s Hermes WiScan at the UCL Division of Infection and Immunity, London, UK.
Fish organs & regions automatic segmentation
Automatically quantify area, fluorescence intensity, and count of whole fish and internal organelle properties, including eye, yolk, spine, tail, brain, internal granules and more.Statistical data calculated per fish and per organelle.
Time lapse Zebrafish- Neutrophil Migration
Time lapse of a Zebrafish embryo with S. Pneumoniae injected into the hind brain. GFP-expressing Neutrophils begin to migrate into the injection site over 4 hours.Acquired with IDEA Bio-Medical’s Hermes automated screening system by Sreyashi Koyel Basu and Dr. Gillian Tomlinson, UCL, London, UK