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Mitochondria Analysis Assays

Detection & quantification of Mitochondria and their cellular distribution

Mitochondria and other sub-cellular organelles can be detected and analysed using fluorescence labelling.

WiSoft Athena‘s automatic and accurate segmentation enables acquiring data for each mitochondria.

Various features can be measured, based on fluorescence intensity and morphological features.

Option for time lapse imaging and analysis

  • Mitochondrial dynamics studies
  • Mitochondrial numbers and volume measurement
  • Study related human diseases (e.g. Parkinson, Huntington’s disease)
  • Live imaging of Mitochondria clusters

Time lapse imaging applied with Mito-tracker labelling to follow formation of mitochondria clusters in living cells

Mitochondria Morphology

Captured with 40X/0.75 magnification

Dyes:Red – TMRM (mitochondrial potential marker), green – MitoTracker (mitochondrial marker), blue – Hoechst

Analysis – morphological features were recorded for each mitochondria- length, area, intensity, etc

Mitochondrial Potential

Captured with 20X/0.75NA magnification

Dyes: Red – TMRM (mitochondrial potential marker), green – MitoTracker (mitochondrial marker), blue – Hoechst

Analysis – Potential intensitymarker intensity (red/green intensity ratio)
