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A G1-Like State Allows HIV-1 to Bypass SAMHD1 Restriction in Macrophages
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The EMBO Journal Volume 36, Issue 2 , pp 129 – 244, January 25, 2017
PDE5 Inhibitors Enhance the Lethality of Pemetrexed Through Inhibition of Multiple Chaperone Proteins and Via the Actions of Cyclic GMP and Nitric Oxide
Laurence Booth, Jane L. Roberts, Andrew Poklepovic, Sarah Gordon, Paul Dent
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Lipopolysaccharide Induces Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells In Vitro via TLR4 Activation
Nicole Herzmann, Achim Salamon, Tomas Fiedler, and Kirsten Peters
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The Commonly Used Nonionic Surfactant Span 80 Has RXRα Transactivation Activity, Which Likely Increases the Obesogenic Potential of Oil Dispersants and Food Emulsifiers
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Rationally Repurposing Ruxolitinib (Jakafi®) as a Solid Tumor Therapeutic
Tavallai Mehrad, Booth Laurence, Roberts Jane L, Poklepovic Andrew, Dent Paul
Frontiers in Oncology vol.6, 2016
Effects of Crude Oil/Dispersant Mixture and Dispersant Components on PPARγ Activity In Vitro and In Vivo: Identification of Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate (DOSS; CAS #577-11-7) as a Probable Obesogen
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Nexavar/Stivarga and Viagra Interact to Kill Tumor Cells
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Journal of Cellular Physiology 2015, 230: 2281–2298
PDE5 Inhibitors Enhance Celecoxib Killing in Multiple Tumor Types
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Journal of Cellular Physiology May 2015, Volume 230, Issue 5, pages 1115–1127
[WEB LINK](URL not provided)
Registered Report: Wnt Activity Defines Colon Cancer Stem Cells and Is Regulated by the Microenvironment
Evans J. et al.
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GRP78 / BiP / HSPA5 / Dna K Is a Universal Therapeutic Target for Human Disease
Booth L. et al.
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2015, 230(7): 1661-76
Differential Regulation of Autophagy and Cell Viability by Ceramide Species
Nichola Cruickshanks , Jane L Roberts , M Danielle Bareford , Mehrad Tavallai , Andrew Poklepovic , Laurence Booth , Sarah Spiegel , Paul Dent
Cancer Biology & Therapy Vol. 16, Iss. 5, 2015
Variomics Screen Identifies the Reentrant Loop of the Calcium-Activated Chloride Channel ANO1 That Facilitates Channel Activation
Bill A. et al.
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High-Throughput Fluorescence Imaging Approaches for Drug Discovery Using In Vitro and In Vivo Three-Dimensional Models
Natalia J Martinez , Steven A Titus , Amanda K Wagner , Anton Simeonov
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery Vol. 10, Iss. 12, 2015
Celecoxib Enhances [Sorafenib + Sildenafil] Lethality in Cancer Cells and Reverts Platinum Chemotherapy Resistance
Timothy Webb , Jori Carter , Jane L Roberts , Andrew Poklepovic , William P McGuire , Laurence Booth , Paul Dent
Cancer Biology & Therapy Vol. 16, Iss. 11, 2015
Regulation of OSU-03012 Toxicity by ER Stress Proteins and ER Stress–Inducing Drugs
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Molecular Cancer Therapeutics October 2014, 13; 2384
The Cofilin Phosphatase Slingshot Homolog 1 (SSH1) Links NOD1 Signaling to Actin Remodeling
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PLOS Pathogens 2014, 10, 9
Soft/Elastic Nanopatterned Biointerfaces in the Service of Cell Biology
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HIV-1 Evades Innate Immune Recognition Through Specific Cofactor Recruitment
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Regulation of Integrin Adhesions by Varying the Density of Substrate-Bound Epidermal Growth Factor
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