Citations- Cancer Research
Evolution of Resistance to Irinotecan in Cancer Cells Involves Generation of Topoisomerase-Guided Mutations in Non-Coding Genome That Reduce the Chances of DNA Breaks.
Kumar, Santosh, et al. ,International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24.10 (2023): 8717.
Novel combination of isovanillin, curcumin, and harmine (GZ17-6.02) enhances cell death and alters signaling in actinic keratoses cells when compared to individual components and two-component combinations
Bordeaux, Zachary A.; Kwatra, Shawn G.; Booth, Laurence; Dent, Paul Anti-Cancer Drugs, Volume 34, Number 4, 18 April 2023, pp. 544-550(7) DOI:
Hsp70–Bag3 Module Regulates Macrophage Motility and Tumor Infiltration via Transcription Factor LITAF and CSF1.
Avinery, L.; Gahramanov, V.; Hesin, A.; Sherman, M.Y. Cancers 2022, 14, 4168.
Cellular responses after (neratinib plus pemetrexed) exposure in NSCLC cells.
Booth, Laurencea; Poklepovic, Andrewb; Hancock, John F.c; Dent, Paula.Anti-Cancer Drugs 34(9):p 1025-1034, October 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/CAD.00000000
Membrane anchored IL-18 linked to constitutively active TLR4 and CD40 improves human T cell antitumor capacities for adoptive cell therapy
Blokon-Kogan D, Levi-Mann M, Malka-Levy L, et al, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2022;10:e001544. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2020-001544
Enhanced signaling via ERBB3/PI3K plays a compensatory survival role in pancreatic tumor cells exposed to [neratinib+ valproate]
P Dent, L Booth, A Poklepovic, D Von Hoff, JF Hancock, Cellular Signalling, Jan 2020 00001442
The multi-kinase inhibitor lenvatinib interacts with the HDAC inhibitor entinostat to kill liver cancer cells
Jane L. Roberts, Andrew Poklepovic, Laurence Booth, Paul Dent, Cellular Signalling, 2020, 109573, ISSN 0898-6568
Neratinib inhibits Hippo/YAP signaling, reduces mutant K-RAS expression, and kills pancreatic and blood cancer cells
P Dent et al., Oncogene (2019)
Neratinib inhibits Hippo/YAP signaling, reduces mutant K-RAS expression, and kills pancreatic and blood cancer cells
P Dent et al., Oncogene (2019)
Cooperativity between stromal cytokines drives the invasive migration of human breast cancer cells
Y Elisha et al., The Royal Society Volume 374, Issue 1779, 01 July 2019
Regorafenib Enhances Lethality of Sildenafil and Curcumin in Colorectal Cancer Cells
KB Owusu, M Director, P Dent , VCU THESES AND DISSERTATIONS, Feb 2019
Palbociclib augments Neratinib killing of tumor cells that is further enhanced by HDAC inhibition
L Booth et al., Cancer Biology &Therapy, 5 September 2018
The CHK1 inhibitor SRA737 synergizes with PARP1 inhibitors to kill carcinoma cells
Laurence Booth, Jane Roberts, Andrew Poklepovic & Paul Dent, Cancer Biology & Therapy, 19 July 2018
Valproate augments Niraparib killing of tumor cells
Laurence Booth et al., Cancer biol ther., June 2018
[Neratinib + Valproate] exposure permanently reduces ERBB1 and RAS expression in 4T1 mammary tumors and enhances M1 macrophage infiltration.
Booth et al., Oncotarget, 26;9(5):6062-6074, Dec 2017
Registered report: Wnt activity defines colon cancer stem cells and is regulated by the microenvironment
Evans J. et al., August 2015, eLife 2015;4:e07301. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.07301
Differential regulation of autophagy and cell viability by ceramide species
Nichola Cruickshanks , Jane L Roberts , M Danielle Bareford , Mehrad Tavallai , Andrew Poklepovic , Laurence Booth , Sarah Spiegel , Paul Dent , Cancer Biology & Therapy Vol. 16, Iss. 5, 2015
The levels of mutant K-RAS and mutant N-RAS are rapidly reduced in a Beclin1 / ATG5 -dependent fashion by the irreversible ERBB1/2/4 inhibitor neratinib
Laurence Booth t al., Cancer biology & therapy, volume 19, issue 2, 2018
Celecoxib enhances [sorafenib + sildenafil] lethality in cancer cells and reverts platinum chemotherapy resistance
Timothy Webb , Jori Carter , Jane L Roberts , Andrew Poklepovic , William P McGuire , Laurence Booth , Paul Dent , Cancer Biology & Therapy Vol. 16, Iss. 11, 2015
Regulation of OSU-03012 Toxicity by ER Stress Proteins and ER Stress–Inducing Drugs
Booth L. et al.; Mol Cancer Ther, October 2014, 13; 2384
Regulation of OSU-03012 Toxicity by ER Stress Proteins and ER Stress–Inducing Drugs
Booth L. et al.; Mol Cancer Ther, October 2014, 13; 2384