WEBINAR: High-content 3D Imaging with Enhanced Automated Workflows
02:00 pm - 02:45 pm CEST
Free Webinar
Join our shared webinar on Tuesday March 28 when Dr. Jason Otterstrom, one of our application scientists, discusses the reliability and scalability associated with automated workflows for imaging 3D model systems. Hosted by OLS Omni Life Sciences and IDEA Bio-Medical, this webinar will include real-world examples of 3D assays performed with fast, easy-to-use automated microscopy and image analysis. The approach ensures high-quality imaging combined with maximized speed that brings you time-savings and cost-effectiveness.
Key Learning Objectives:
How to screen 3D organoid and spheroid models with a high-content imaging microscope
How to incorporate automation into your 3D workflows to produce phenotypic data in a high-throughput manner
How to monitor responses in real time
About The Speaker

Dr. Otterstrom obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Physics at the University of Utah. As a PhD student at Harvard University, he studied the biophysics of membrane fusion as mediated by influenza virus hemagglutinin protein using single-molecule microscopy techniques. He went on to obtain a Marie Curie fellowship to utilize super-resolution imaging to study chromatin fine-packing structure at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) near Barcelona, Spain.
As an application scientist for IDEA Bio-Medical he supports clients with adapting their diverse experiments and assays to be performed in the context of automated microscopy on the company’s flagship product, the WiScan Hermes.

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